Implementing National Lab Policy will ensure quality healthcare- Ex GAMLS Prez Dr. Awinibuno
Former President of Ghana Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists (GAMLS) Dr. Ignatius N. A Awinibuno is making a strong case that implementation of National Laboratory Policy will ensure quality control, assurance and management systems aimed at achieving quality healthcare in Ghana.
Ghana Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists has been on the forefront of pushing for total implementation of the long existing National Laboratory Policy powered by Center for Disease Control but government has been dragging its feet.
According to Dr. Awinibuno, the policy if implemented will become a compelling commitment of the Health Minister, focal persons and other book runners of the health sector to assure the public access optimum healthcare and services.
Speaking after Official Opening Ceremony of 2021 Annual General and Scientific Meeting of the West African Postgraduate College of Medical Laboratory Science (WAPCMLS), Ghana Chapter on theme: Postgraduate Medical Laboratory Science Education and Practice in West Africa on Saturday, 17 July, 2021 in Accra, the Immediate-Past GAMLS President Dr. Awinibuno said “Implementing the National Lab Policy will ensure quality control, assurance, management systems and ultimately quality healthcare”.
Currently, the WHO scores Ghana low mark due to the failure of government to roll out the National Lab Policy which reflects abysmal verdict on Ghana’s health policy credibility and poor showing at WHO’s policy credibility ratings and benchmarks.
It presupposes that if government continue to drag its feet when it comes to implementing the National Lab Policy, Ghana will record negative, a hefty blow at WHO’s policy credibility index/ratings.
Dr. Awinibuno noted that “Managers of various labs will be obliged to ensure quality control, meet basic standards of labs, ensure adequate funding for running labs and eliminate roadblocks if the National Lab Policy is fully implemented. Ghana”.
“Ghana must adopt a policy as described by the WHO”, Dr. Awinibuno said.
Source : africaneditors.com
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