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Ghana marks 78th UN Day with flag-raising ceremony



Ghana marks 78th UN Day with flag-raising ceremony


THEME: “Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity: Accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its sustainable development goals towards peace, prosperity, progress, and sustainability for all.”

24th October, 2023 marks the 78th anniversary of the United Nations Day and the entry into force of the United Nations Charter. The Day is used to celebrate what the UN represents and has achieved since its establishment in 1945. Since 1948, UN Day has been celebrated annually on the 24th day of October.
The Day is devoted to creating awareness about the aims and achievements of the Organisation. Established to safeguard peace, protect human rights, institute the framework for international justice and promote economic and social progress, the UN, over the seven decades has added on new challenges, such as climate change, refugees, and AIDS. Along with its specialized agencies, the organisation continues to engage in several activities to improve livelihoods around the world – from disaster relief, through education and advancement of women, to peaceful uses of atomic energy as well as advocacy for loss and damage financing and NET Zero.
The yearly commemorations are graced with several activities globally to observe the Day. Some activities are special ceremonies, seminars, panel discussions, symposia, briefings for students, art competition, rallies, film screening and book/photo exhibitions, media campaigns and health walk.

The local theme for this year’s commemoration is Ghana’s contribution towards accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its sustainable development Goals, towards peace, prosperity, progress, and sustainability”. The theme was coined from the theme of the 78th United Nations General Assembly and General Debates which is “Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity: Accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its sustainable development goals towards peace, prosperity, progress, and sustainability for all.”
The global theme reflects the current challenges facing the organization in the area of conflicts in many areas including the West African sub-region not to mention the lingering Russian-Ukraine War, crisis in the Middle East, Climate Change and its harsh impacts on societies, which have dire consequences on prosperity and progress as well as sustainable livelihoods. In light of that, the themes highlight the need for countries to forge bonds of peace and cooperation through the use of diplomacy and dialogue to resolve conflicts. With that, the path towards prosperity would be carved while by exploiting the power of technological innovation and inclusive policies, progress becomes a collective endeavour, empowering societies to address pressing challenges such as climate change, poverty, and inequality. These modifications would lead to sustainability, which advocates for responsible stewardship of our planet’s resources and the equitable distribution of benefits. By accelerating efforts in improving functionality of institutions, leveraging digitalisation and technology to develop policies and frameworks that drive achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, Ghana would be on track to meeting the 2030 Agenda which the UN reports to be out of reach of many countries.
In Ghana, the Day will be commemorated with a Health Walk on 21st October, 2023, a Press Release, a model UN, Panel interviews on various media platforms in English, Twi and Ga, photo exhibition as well as the usual flag-raising ceremony at the Forecourt of the State House.
Proposed Media Questions:
How will you say the United Nations has fared over the seven decades it has been in existence

Mention the rationale behind the establishment of the UN
Established with the coming into force of the UN Charter in 1945 after the 2nd World War to bring peace, prevent another war and ensure development for the people of the world.
Now, more than 78 years later, the United Nations is still working to maintain international peace and security, give humanitarian assistance to those in need, protect human rights, and uphold international law.
At the same time, the United Nations is doing new work not envisioned for it in 1945 by its founders. The United Nations has set Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, in order to achieve a better and more sustainable future for us all. UN Member States have also agreed to climate action to limit global warming, adapting to climate change and loss and damage.
With many achievements now in its past, the United Nations is looking to the future, to new achievements.
Mention emerging issues which the UN is handling and for which reason we can say the UN is still writing its history of impacting the world positively
Leading structural reforms in its Financial Agencies and the Security Council
Advocacy for loss and damage financing
COVID-19 pandemic;
Climate Change and loss of biodiversity;
Conflict and crisis mediation and interventions/advocacy for cessation;
Economic crisis and immediate responses, and rallying for global solidarity and response;
Peacekeeping, Global Security and world order etc.
Approach to transform the world – Education, digitization, food security poverty alleviation etc.
Push for SDGs Financing for the acceleration and attainment of SDGs even in the midst of global crisis – Joint SDGs Fund
Push for Adapation and loss and damage financing for climate vulnerable countries
Can you elaborate on Ghana’s role at the UN
Speak to Ghana becoming a member of the UN
Ghana was admitted to the United Nations on 8 March 1957, two days after it achieved independence from Britain. The Ghana Mission to the United Nations serves as the Ghana delegation to the United Nations. The Ghana Mission is responsible for carrying out the nation’s participation in the world body.

Speak to Ghana’s membership on the Security Council
In June 2021, Ghana was elected to the United Nations Security Council for the 2022-2023 term. Ghana’s agenda is focusing on Enhancing Global Peace and Security for Sustainable and Inclusive Development particularly on the continent of Africa.
Speak to Ghanaians taking on leadership positions with the UN system and their efforts to make meaningful impact.
Refer to the President’s Statement to the 78th UN General Assembly (Provide a copy)
How is Ghana using her position on the UN Security Council?
Speak to the various interventions/actions taken so far if any.
What is happening in Ghana on UN Day?
Elaborate on the planned activities:
UN Day Health Walk – Saturday, 21 October 2023
High School Model UN by Lifelink – Monday, 24th October 2023
Photo Exhibition – Tuesday, 24th October 2023
Flag-raising ceremony – Tuesday, 24 October 2023
High-Level reception for Government dignitaries, diplomatic community, and key partners – Tuesday, 24th October 2023
Media Engagements – At all events and throughout October 2023.

September, 2023 MFARI

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