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Galamsey fight: Eco-Conscious Citizens commend UTAG, TUTAG-strike



Galamsey fight: Eco-Conscious Citizens commend UTAG, TUTAG-strike

Read the full statement

Press Release

Oct. 16 2024

Eco-Conscious Citizens environmental group is disappointed that Organised Labour suspended the national strike without waiting for its key demands to be met. We commend UTAG and TUTAG for continuing with the strike.

The unmet demands, as articulated by the Ghana Coalition Against Galamsey, include “A declaration of a State of Emergency, which is a critical step and essential to effectively halt mining operations in Forest Reserves and around water bodies. Without this declaration, the measures implemented remain insufficient to curb the destructive impact of mining

Eco-Conscious Citizens demand that all parties or persons aspiring for political office sign up to reclaiming and restoring water bodies, farmlands and forests, upholding the “Polluter Pays” principle.

The group demands:

The declaration of a state of emergency in line with section 31 and 31 (4) of the 1992 constitution, in order to fight the environmental terrorists. Deployment of the Police and Military to remove all miners and mining equipment from our water bodies, forest reserves and farmlands.

Repeal L.I. 2462 and ensure that there is no mining or logging in forest reserves or globally significant biodiversity areas. Revoke all licences that have been granted to mine in forest reserves.

Pause Small Scale/Community Mining and stop issuing licences.

Cause environmental terrorists and all persons named in Prof. Frimpong Boateng’s report to be investigated.

There is no doubt that Organised Labour made some progress regarding the demand for the revocation of L.I.2462. Civil Society Organisations A Rocha Ghana, Nature and Development Foundation, Civic Response, Eco-Conscious Citizens, Kasa Initiative Ghana, Tropenbos Ghana and Dr Ken Ashigbey (acting on behalf of the Media Coalition Against Galamsey have been advocating for the revocation of L.I. 2462 since it came to our notice.

Government did not listen and legal action was initiated on 18th September 2024.

Organised Labour has amplified our demands and the Government has agreed to revoke L.I.2462. This, however, could be a publicity stunt.

Government may revoke L.I. 2462 by laying it before Parliament and waiting for the passage of 21 sitting days before the L.I. is revoked. This will ensure that L.I. 2462 is not revoked in this Parliament, as it will be dissolved on 1st November, which before the passage of the said 21 days.

A suggested option is for the Minister of Environment and Science and Innovation, who brought the legislation, to make a Statement in Parliament that he is revoking L.I..2462.

It is unfortunate that Organised Labour did not ensure that a State of Emergency was declared, L.I2462 revoked and all licences to mine in forest reserves revoked, before considering suspending the strike.

We face an existential threat and stand with UTAG and TUTAG in demanding that the demands are met to avert the impending catastrophe.

Awula Serwah
Eco-Conscious Citizens Coordinator
0201 811 702

Galamsey fight: Eco-Conscious Citizens commend UTAG, TUTAG-strike

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