
Alan’s resignation: party not hijacked by selected few -NPP

Alan’s resignation: party not hijacked by selected few -NPP

Governing NPP has responded to the resignation of former Trade and Industry Alan Kyerematen from the party to contest 2014 general election as independent candidate for the presidency, insisting that the party has not been hijacked by the selected few.

Speaking at a press conference on September 26, 2023 in Accra-Ghana, General Secretary of NPP Justin Frimpong Konduah said “Alan Kyerematen’s resignation was premeditated and irrevocable, Alan resigned without prior notice to the party, NPP acknowledges Alan’s contribution to the party, nothing showed Alan will resign, urging Minister to trumpet achievement of Akufo-Addo-Bawumia-led government for victory in 2024″.

He noted that “NPP has a message ahead of 2024 general election and the Elephant is the winning symbol”.

Read the full speech delivered by General Secretary Justin Frimpong Konduah

National Chairman
Colleague National Officers
Friends from the Media
Ladies and Gentlemen
A very good afternoon to you all
The leadership of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) is pleased that you have honored the invitation to this press conference. As many of you might have heard, the Party has also learnt with shock, the sudden demise of Hon. Daniel Okyem Aboagye, a former Member of Parliament for Bantama Constituency and former Government Spokesperson on Finance.
We therefore, plead with you all, to join us in observing a minute silence in honor of the memory of this illustrious son of the land.
As the Party was coming to terms with the demise of one of our illustrious sons we were hit with news about the resignation of Mr. Alan Kyerematen through a press conference he organised.
The disappointing part is the mode in which he decided to resign from the party, which was through a press conference without prior notice to the party.
The Party wants to believe that by his decision to hold the press conference to resign without first informing the leadership of the Party suggests that he has made a premeditated and irrevocable decision to resign from the Party.
It needs emphasizing that, when the National Chairman visited him on behalf of the Party after the August 26 Special Electoral College, in an attempt to bring all the ten aspirants together, he did not portray any sign of resigning from the party, let alone going independent.
The New Patriotic Party (NPP) acknowledges Mr. Kyerematen’s contributions to our party’s growth and development over the years. We respect his decision and extend our gratitude for the services rendered to the NPP and the nation.
Since 1992, several party faithfuls have had the vision to lead the party and, subsequently, to lead the country, but sadly, as nature has its own course, only a few have had the opportunity to achieve that vision. Party faithfuls who never had the opportunity to lead, never resigned from the party but continued to serve, some until they were called to eternity. Just as many faithfuls who had no vision to lead the Party but served the Party in various capacities and never tasted power but died holding unto the banner of our great party.
The NPP has always been a dynamic and resilient political party, and this moment serves as an opportunity for us to demonstrate our unity, fortitude, and unwavering commitment to the principles upon which our party was founded.
As the party strives to win the 2024 general election and make a monumental record, we urge party faithfuls to reaffirm their dedication towards this common goal. Our party’s strength has always been derived from the unity and resilience of our members, and we call upon each and every one of you to rally together and uphold the principles that define us.
Indeed, we are the NPP, and the elephant is our winning symbol.
It must be stated that this press conference is not tailored to attack the personality of Mr. Kyerematen, but, rather to correct certain erroneous statements made in his press conference and also to use this opportunity to set the record straight.
Fellow Ghanaians, central to the reasons given by Mr. Kyerematen for his resignation as captured in pages seven (7) and eight (8) of his resignation address are the allegations of so called unconstitutional and unmeritorious decisions of the National Council regarding a petition by some presidential aspirants which demanded that the Super Delegates Conference should be held at a single venue as well as allowing each delegate to nominate five persons instead of one. Riding on the above narrative, Mr. Kyerematen asserts that the Party’s Super Delegates Conference was strategically and tactically skewed to favour one aspirant.
First, Article 13(1) (1), of the Party’s Constitution states that the date and venue for the presidential primaries shall be decided by the National Council, provided, however that the National Council may, on appropriate occasion vary the date.
Without doubt, the National Council, the appropriate body mandated by the Party’s Constitution to make a determination on the date and venue did not violate the Constitution by voting against the proposal for the use of a single venue for the elections.
Furthermore, there is a historical precedence. In 2014, the Special Electoral College elections were held at several venues. At the time, no aspirant including Mr. Kyerematen filed no petition regarding the venue.
The Party’s Constitution further states in Article 13(2)(2) that where there is more than one contestant, each delegate will cast his or her vote by secret ballot for one of the contestants. Therefore, the demand by the petitioners for delegates to vote for five (5) persons instead of one is unconstitutional.
It needs mentioning, that as democratic and transparent as the leadership of the Party has been, it recommended to the consideration of the National Council a determination on the petition upon receipt of same. Even more important is the fact that, the petitioners (although most of them are not members of the National Council) were granted the rare opportunity to appear before the Council and make their case on why such a proposal should be adopted.
In a true democratic process, seventy-three (73) members of the National Council voted against both proposals relative to nine (9) others who voted in support, underscoring the overwhelming rejection of both proposals.
Ladies and gentlemen, the leadership of the Party is equally disagrees with assertions made by Mr. Kyerematen in page eight (8) of his resignation address that ‘‘the Party has been hijacked by a selected group of Party leaders and elders, and government appointees behind the curtain power brokers’’.
Guided by facts and data, the leadership of the Party disagrees entirely with this assertion. Historically, the selection of flagbearers for political parties in Ghana had been the preserve of a privileged few until the New Patriotic Party took the bold decision to decentralize the process by expanding its electoral college to enfranchise some One Hundred and Six Thousand, Five-Hundred and Ninety (106,590) delegates in 2010.
Currently, about Two Hundred Thousand (200,000) delegates would be voting to select the Party’s next flagbearer relative to the estimated One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-Eight delegates (1,998) who did same in 1992. Clearly, the quantum leap to Two Hundred Thousand (200,000) delegates in 2023 underscores the decentralization of power to all Party stakeholders and defeats the assertion that the Party has been
hijacked by a privileged few.
In reference to Mr. Kyerematen’s concerns, which include allegations of intimidation against his supporters, it is noteworthy that certain government appointees, including cabinet ministers, who openly declared their support for him are still at post and have never been intimidated.
Under the Fourth Republic, both the NPP and the NDC have had some leading members of their party breaking ranks to either form their own party, or join other political parties, yet the mother party remained resilient.
Going into the 2024 general elections, the party has a message, and we use this opportunity to commend Mr. Kyerematen for admitting the good work the government has done under his then ministry.
Establishment of the One District, One Factory (1D1F) initiative
The establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) with the headquarters of the Secretariat in Ghana
The development of new strategic anchor industries, including automobile assembly and Component Manufacturing.
The establishment of business resource centres and technology solutions centres all over the country
Integrated Customs Service (UNIPASS) to enhance government revenue.
The establishment of industrial parks, including the greater Kumasi industrial city and Special Economic Zone.
The development of a national export strategy with a target of achieving export revenue of 25 billion US dollars by 2030.
The introduction of business regulatory reforms and public-private dialogue mechanisms to facilitate government interaction with the private sector.
The party urges all sector Ministers and other government appointees to also start propagating the unprecedented achievements of the government in their respective sectors just as Mr. Kyerematen has done.
We also commend the Party’s rank and file for remaining steadfast and openly rallying behind the party.
Indeed, this is the true spirit of the New Patriotic Party.
To all Party faithfuls who were hitherto supporting Mr. Kyerematen by virtue of his membership in the Party, though it is disappointing and distressing, we urge you to continue supporting the Party in our quest to break the eight (8).
Together, we shall overcome challenges, and together, we shall achieve success. We urge all party faithfuls to remain committed, dedicated and resolute in the ongoing Voter limited registration exercise.
Together, we shall persevere, and together, we shall succeed.
Indeed, we are the NPP, and the elephant is our winning symbol.

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