Alfantse – hired to do John Mahama’s dirty propaganda against Dr. Bawumia
Last week, I received a message from a number that was neither in my list of contacts nor in a common group. It contained a voice byte and accompanying text that, basically, sought to impugn Dr Mahmoud Bawumia based on a hadith (pronouncement) of the Prophet and Messenger of ALLAH (sallaALLAHU alaihi wa sallam). That message was warped, in essence, to suit the agenda of the NDC and John Dramani Mahama.
Any Muslim with their head screwed properly on their necks will know that it is dirty propaganda. I checked the truecaller app and other online search engines only to discover that the number was tied to one Shuaibu Yacoub Abban Alfantse, an NDC fanatic, who is using Islam to do the dirty work of John Dramani Mahama. Apparently, he works at ECG. I thought, “but why would John Mahama use this dirty guy when he was even dirtier?” I mean, really, you can only trust John Mahama at your peril. If he can change his religion all for the sake of a woman with a big behind then you know that he is clueless and unwise? So of course I replied him with a series of messages that caused his ire. He admitted that john Mahama was an infidel, but sought to reason that an honest infidel is better than a Muslim Munafik (deceiver).
I would have agreed with him if the characters involved in the discussion were not JDM and Bawumia. You see, John Mahama told Ghanaians that his lot had chewed all the meat and left the bones. He later came back to say that even the bones had been devoured by the hungry beasts in the NDC government. Who is the con-artist here? Of course John Mahama! He claimed that Ghanaians spoke baloney, who is the hater here? Of course John Mahama! He once deceived Ghanaians by telling us that the famous two million guinea fowls flew to Burkina Faso to forage. Of course they never returned. Who is the deceiver here? Yes Sir, John Mahama! The Ridge Hospital renovation cost Ghanaians 280 million USD, and was declared by international medical organisations as the most expensive of its category in the world. When Ghanaians raised hell over it, he reduced the cost to 250 million USD. Are we selling potatoes here? So who is the deceiver and thief here? Of course John Mahama! The circle interchange that he nicknamed “Dubai” cost Ghanaians some 270 million USD, more than double the cost. Who is the deceiver here? Of course John Mahama! The Kasoa bridge cost Ghanaians 100 million USD whereas a massive four tier interchange at Amasaman was initiated and constructed by President Akufo-Addo for 80 million Euros. So who is the deceiver here? Of course, John Mahama. Agambire was given some 5 million US Dollars to train 15000 youth in ICT, but nothing happened and the money evaporated, so who is the con-artist here? Of course, John Mahama!
John Mahama tried to snatch the free SHS from Akufo-Addo by implementing a sham called progressive free education. He allegedly took money from foreign donors that vanished into thin air. So who is the thief and fraudster here? Of course John Mahama! He earmarked one billion Dollars for the resurfacing of the Accra roads.
Nothinghappened, and where anything happened at all, the works breached human decency and honesty. Where did the money go? You guessed it; into some deep NDC pockets. So who is the fraudster, thief, and liar here? Of course John Mahama. Who was mentioned as having taken five million Pounds in bribes for purchasing two military Airbus planes? Of course the corrupt bribe taker, John Mahama! Who was bribed with a Ford Expedition for giving a Burkinabe the contract to construct a wall around the Ghanaian Embassy in Ouagadougu at a cost of six hundred thousand US Dollars? Of course the deceiver and corrupt bribe taker, John Dramani Mahama! In fact, that one was bad; a wall for 600 thousand USD? Countless other incidents of bamboozlement were perpetrated by John, thinking that Ghanaians will never remember. After all, he was the one who insulted Ghanaians with the disrespectful statement, “Ghanaians have short memories!”
So, I ask you, Shuaibu Yacoub Abban Alfantse, who is the criminal here? Who is the liar here? Who is the con-artist here? Who is the Munafiki here? Who is the corrupt, incompetent, bribable government official one? Of course John Mahama! And by default of your dirty engagements with this useless flagbearer of the NDC, you have also become a liar, con-artist, charlatan, fraudster, and munafiki of the highest order!
Oh, and one last word regarding the galamsey. You know very well that it was under the tenure of the greedy bastards of the NDC that galamsey proliferated in such a manner reaching to cankerous levels and metamorphosing into a national security threat. You know very well that the Chinese Aisha galamsey ringleader was brought in by the NDC and given cover. Was she not the one who was alleged to have screwed the NDC politicians and got them addicted to her bed? She became so powerful that her incarceration by the NPP almost strained the Ghana-China relations. So, how dare you utter such filth? Your lot have become so cantankerous that you ought to be rounded up into an open concentration camp and left to graze on the greens of the land. Afterall, if you bleat behind a dead goat, then you are no diferent!
The pictures below were obtained from the search engines that identified Shuaibu Yacoub Abban Alfantse with number 0543197551, through which he communicated his stinking propaganda. What a toothless scoundrel!
Read also here:
Source: Fadi Dabbousi
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