Check out amazing photos of late J.J Rawlings’ family at his 1yr Anniversary
Friday November 12, 2021 marked the one-year anniversary of the late President Jerry John Rawlings’ demise. This was characterised by a memory mass.
Prominent personalities attended in all-white apparel for the occasion.
The former Ghaianan Leader Flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings shocked the world when the globe jumped at the unexpected news that the vocal statement has joined his ancestors after short illness.
Friday marked the one year anniversary that saw many Ghanaians, particularly his family and NDC members, across the political divide in attendance.
J.J Rawlings’ remembrance mass was attended by Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Mahama, and others.
Former President John Mahama and Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia exchanged greetings at the gathering which shows how together and united they are in times like this aside their political differences.
Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia, Vice President of the Republic, has joined the family of the late President, Jerry John Rawlings, to celebrate the first memory mass after his death.
African Editors discovered some beautiful images of the Rawlings’ family at the anniversary and a be lot more to share as our contribution to the celebration of the towering figure in African politics J.J Rawlings.
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