
Criminals making $236bn yearly from sex trade, slavery -UN

Criminals making $236bn yearly from sex trade, slavery -UN

The United Nations labour agency reported Tuesday that illegal profits from forced labor worldwide have reached an “obscene” level of $236 billion per year, with sexual exploitation responsible for three-fourths of this amount. This form of exploitation deprives migrants of money they could send home, takes jobs away from legal workers, and allows criminals to avoid paying taxes.

According to the International Labor Organization, this figure represents a 37% increase from the previous estimate published a decade ago. The rise is attributed to more individuals being exploited and higher earnings generated from each victim.

Forced labor can lead to corruption, strengthen criminal networks, and perpetuate further exploitation, the ILO highlighted. Director-General Gilbert Houngbo called for international cooperation to combat this issue, emphasizing the cycle of poverty and exploitation that forced labor perpetuates.

The report revealed that an estimated 27.6 million people worldwide were in forced labor in 2021, with the Asia-Pacific region being home to over half of these individuals. Sexual exploitation accounted for the majority of profits, totaling nearly $173 billion and affecting mostly girls and women.

Overall, forced labor in commercial sexual exploitation was the most profitable sector, followed by industry, services, agriculture, and domestic work, according to the Geneva-based labor agency. This alarming trend underscores the urgent need for global action to address and eradicate forced labor around the world.

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Illegal profits from forced labor worldwide have risen to the “obscene” amount of $236 billion per year, the U.N. labor agency reported Tuesday, with sexual exploitation to blame for three-fourths of the take from a business that deprives migrants of money they can send home, swipes jobs from legal workers, and allows the criminals behind it to dodge taxes.

The International Labor Organization said the tally for 2021, the most recent year covered in the painstaking international study, marked an increase of 37%, or $64 billion, compared with its last estimate published a decade ago. That’s a result of both more people being exploited and more cash generated from each victim, ILO said.

“$236 billion. This is the obscene level of annual profit generated from forced labor in the world today,” the first line of the report’s introduction said. That figure represents earnings “effectively stolen from the pockets of workers” by those who coerce them to work, as well as money taken from remittances of migrants and lost tax revenue for governments.

Forced labor can encourage corruption, strengthen criminal networks and incentivize further exploitation, ILO said.

Its director-general, Gilbert Houngbo, wants international cooperation to fight the racket.

“People in forced labor are subject to multiple forms of coercion, the deliberate and systematic withholding of wages being amongst the most common,” he said. “Forced labor perpetuates cycles of poverty and exploitation and strikes at the heart of human dignity.”

“We now know that the situation has only got worse,” Houngbo added.

ILO defines forced labor as work that’s imposed against the will of the employee and exacted under penalty — or the threat of one. It can happen at any phase of employment: during recruitment, in living conditions associated with work or by forcing people to stay in a job when they want to leave it.

On any given day in 2021, an estimated 27.6 million people were in forced labor — a 10% rise from five years earlier, ILO said. The Asia-Pacific region was home to more than half of those, while Africa, the Americas, and Europe-Central Asia each represented about 13% to 14%.

Some 85% of the people affected were working in “privately imposed forced labor,” which can include slavery, serfdom, bonded labor, and activities like forms of begging where cash taken in goes to the benefit of someone else, ILO said. The rest were in forced labor imposed by government authorities — a practice not covered in the study.

While just over one-fourth of the victims worldwide were subject to sexual exploitation, it accounted for nearly $173 billion in profits, or nearly three-quarters of the global total — a sign of the higher margins generated from selling sex.

Some 6.3 million people faced situations of forced commercial sexual exploitation on any given day three years ago — and nearly four in five of those victims were girls or women, ILO said. Children accounted for more than a quarter of the total cases.

Forced labor in industry trailed in a distant second, at $35 billion, followed by services at nearly $21 billion, agriculture at $5 billion and domestic work at $2.6 billion, the Geneva-based labor agency said.

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