
Gridlock in Parliament: 6 key businesses to be affected

Gridlock in Parliament: 6 key businesses to be affected

Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, has adjourned proceedings indefinitely due to a controversy surrounding vacant seats, leaving several critical parliamentary matters unresolved.

This decision came after National Democratic Congress (NDC) members occupied the Majority side of the aisle following the walkout of New Patriotic Party (NPP) MPs, who left in protest over the opposition’s claims to the majority.

The adjournment affects six significant legislative issues:

1. Budget Approval: The 2025 budget is a priority among pending government matters.

2. Revocation of L.I. on Mining in Forest Reserves: This is a key condition for organized labor to halt a planned strike.

3. Approval of $250 Million Ghana Financial Stability Fund.

4. Approval of $250 Million Ghana Energy Sector Loan.

5. Approval of $350 Million in Tax Waivers.

6. Approval of Two Supreme Court Nominees.

Bagbin stated that while there were enough members to conduct business, it wasn’t sufficient for decision-making. After addressing Madina MP Francis Xavier-Sosu’s request for a correction regarding previous records, the Speaker noted he had received a court notice related to the issue of four MPs.

He explained, “We don’t have at least half of all members of parliament present. Given the questions surrounding the composition and constitution of Parliament, and considering the public interest and the current state of affairs, I will, in accordance with Standing Orders 59, adjourn the House indefinitely”.

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