IFBLS Day: Upgrade diagnostic capability and vaccine sufficiency to combat infectious diseases in WA – GAMLS
Globally, 15th April each year marks a day to recognize the importance of medical laboratory science as a vital part of the health system. The International Biomedical Laboratory Science Day is celebrated
to increase the awareness of the vital role of Medical Laboratory Scientists in providing quality healthcare – in diagnosis, quality assurance, treatment, research, and other developments in the modern era of medical science.
This year’s celebration is under the theme “Testing Times; Biomedical Laboratory Scientists’ Role in
the COVID -19 Pandemic”.
We, in Ghana, stand proud as we review the contribution of the medical laboratory science
profession in the current COVID-19 pandemic. The recent events have pointed to the world that COVID-19 may not be the last pandemics to hit the world. It is important for the Ministry of Health and Ghana Health Service to ensure that the right investments, such as health systems strengthening,
are made to enable the country stand tall in subsequent health challenges.
The COVID-19 pandemic has opened the door for medical laboratory science by way of
introducing additional molecular diagnostics techniques to most laboratories in our country. We hasten to call on the relevant stakeholders including institutional and medical laboratory managers to ensure
that these additions to the laboratory system are sustained. We call on Government to increase the investment in medical laboratory science, and the health sector in general.
The challenges of developing countries in the vaccine market tell us that we cannot continue to depend on the western countries for our survival. There is a need to develop a local scientific solution for infectious disease management. Whiles the vaccine development initiative in Ghana remains a
substantive move in this regard, there remains the need for more innovative ideas towards health and scientific exploits in Africa. The National Vaccine Institute initiative – that has received much public
attention and various institutional support – remains a remarkable breakthrough to hit our part of the continent. It is an avenue to partly showcase the scientific research skills and abilities of the medical laboratory professional. GAMLS wishes to use this opportunity to entreat the relevant authorities to engage more medical laboratory scientists in this initiative. Surely, Medical Laboratory Scientists will continue to play important role in future pandemics including but not limited to accurate and timely diagnosis, research advancements, and safeguarding public health.
The need for investments in human resource with specialist skills has become an imperative throughout the world. It is therefore essential that government supports the training of the right skill mix for the health sector. There is thus an urgent need for the establishment of a Ghana College of
Medical Laboratory Science for specialists training of medical laboratory science professionals to give legal and financing framework in support of the work initiated by the West African Postgraduate College of Medical Laboratory Science (WAPCMLS) in Ghana.
The profession has also taken notice of the Agenda 111 Project by the Government of Ghana to increase access to healthcare and medical laboratory services to the citizenry. We wish to congratulate Government on this important project. We call for stakeholders and experts’ involvement in the project implementation for an excellent project output and government must ensure the medical laboratory facilities are included in each project.
Medical laboratory professionals and the general public are duly informed of this year’s
celebration of Medical Laboratory Science week in the West African sub-region, and hosted by the Ghana Health Service (GHS) and the Ghana Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists (GAMLS)
in collaboration with the CelebrateLAB Africa and Africabio Enterprises Inc. from the 19th to 21st April, 2022 at the Alisa Hotel, Accra under the theme; “Ensuring Diagnostic Capability and Vaccine Sufficiency as Panacea to Combating Infectious Diseases in West Africa”.
Just as Medical Laboratories are vital in healthcare delivery, so also are Medical Laboratory Professionals! We appreciate you all!
Long Live GAMLS!
Long Live IFBLS!!
Happy Medical Laboratory Science Day to all professionals!!!
Dr. Dennis Adu-Gyasi (PhD, FWAPCMLS)
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