‘I’m committed to Guinea-agenda, military won’t stand for future elections’- Prez Doumbouya
Guinea Coup Leader Col. Mamady Doumbouya has been sworn-in as the interim President of the Francophone West African country.
Mamady Doumbouya promised that “neither he nor any member of the military government will stand in any future votes”.
Speaking at the sweering-in ceremony in Conakry, President Mamady Doumbaya vowed to respect the West African territorial bodies and international treaties whilst leading transition to return Guinea to constitutional government.
Col. Doumbouya, who toppled President Alpha Conde on September 5, 2021, was sworn-in on Friday by Supreme Court Head Mamadou Sylla to steer the affairs of Guinea within undisclosed timelines.
Interim President Doumbaya pledged that neither he nor any member of the military government would stand in any future elections, making commitment that the military will re-organise after the transition to civilian rule.
President Doumbouya noted that his agenda is to “refound Guinean”by drafting a new constitution, fighting corruption, reformation of the electoral system and to ensure a well-organised “free, credible and transparent” elections.
Mamadi Doumbouya is to fill in as a break president and regulate a momentary plan until Francophone West African country gets back to an established constitutional system and order.
As indicated by the Supreme Court of Guinea, Lt. Col. Doumbouya was sworn-in at the late morning inside gathering corridor of Mohammed V Palace in Conakry, the capital of Guinea.
Attendence to the debut swearing-in was stringently by invitation.
The entirety of the swearing-in is to allow Lt. Col. Doumbouya administer the undertakings of Guinea until the nation wraps up change from tyrannical system to sacred guideline guaranteeing that Guinea’s democratic and popularity based test isn’t tossed out of cog wheels.
The break president Col. Doumbaya will be the Head of the progress, seat of the National Rallying Committee for Development (CNRD) set up by head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the Guinea Armed Forces.
The National Transition Council, CNT, comprises of 81 individuals chosen from ideological groups, common society, worker’s guilds, bosses, security powers and numerous different associations will be entrusted to draft the new constitution of Guinea.
President Apha Conde was toppled in a tactical overthrow driven Lt. Col. Mamady Doumbouya on September 5, 2021 blaming the Conde for monetary botch and maltreatment of common freedoms.
83-year-old Prof. Alpha Conde rose to turn into Guinea’s first fairly chosen president in 2010 and was reappointed by votes that would have finished his organization.
His unnecessary craving to clutch power at all expense prompted numerous abnormal choices last year changing the Guinea’s preeminent law through a mandate that allowed him to challenge for a dubious third term in October 2020, got ‘power get’, portrayed as sketchy by the resistance in the Francophone West African State.
The 2020 political decision was portrayed by fight prompting the homicide of numerous Guineans.
In the mean time, toppled President Alpha Conde says he wouldn’t sign exit letter introduced to him by Guinea’s most grounded man Lt. Col. Mamady Doumbouya and has been confined since September 5, 2021.
Source: africaneditors.com/African Editors
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