Intellectuals against LGBTQ+ Bill are present- day-Pharasees’- Baba Jamal
Private Legal Practitioner and former Deputy Minister of Employment and Labour Relations Baba Jamal has portrayed the interlectuals who are battling the Anti-LGBT+ bill before parliament of Ghana as the present day pharasees.
He expressed that the interlectuals are acting like the respected pharasees who went against Jesus Christ when he was lecturing the gospel.
Baba Jamal offered this expression on OK FM monitored by African Editors in Accra.
Mr. Jamal said the interlectuals have let the country down at the time their expertees are required.
” These are extremely venerated characters however they have disillusioned numerous Ghanaians by their position which is at odds with cultural and moral standards of Ghanaians” he added.
He further expressed that the pharasees of the old opposed Jesus Christ and needed his death. However their resistance never halted the mission of Jesus. Their childish interests as heads of society then, at that point, was crushed by the famous will of individuals.
We are seeing a comparable situation today and It is endearing that reality consistently win toward the day’s end and that is the reason we empower the backers of the bill to stand firm on the grounds that Ghanaians remain with them against the present day pharasees.
A group of intellectuals led by Lawyer Akoto Ampaw, Prof. Gyimah Boadi, Prof. Kwesi Prempeh, Prof. Raymond Atuguba, Prof. Audrey Gadzekpo, Nana A Agyemang Asante, Prof. Kwame Karikari, Dr. Charles Wereko-Brobby and others have petitioned parliament to reject the bill.
According to them, the bill in its current form breaches the fundamental human rights enshrined in the 1992 Constitution.
Parliament has received over 100 memos both from home abroad.
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