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IRC Ghana pledges support for gov’t on WASH service delivery




IRC Ghana pledges support for gov’t on WASH service delivery

IRC Ghana has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting the government in establishing the necessary systems and structures for delivering Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) services in the country.

Madam Vida Duti, the Country Director of IRC Ghana, made this announcement during the 35th MOLE Conference organized by the Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS) in Ho, the capital of the Volta Region. The conference focused on the theme: “Looking Back on SDG 6 Implementation in Ghana: Progress, Challenges, and Ways Forward.”

VidaVida Mrs Vida Duti, Country Director of IRC Ghana

The discussions at the conference centered around four key areas: institutional alignments and policies, approaches, strategies, and methods to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6) in Ghana. Participants included representatives from the GAMA/GKMA Sanitation and Water Project, IRC Ghana, World Vision Ghana, and the Media Coalition Against Open Defecation (M-CODe).

Madam Duti explained that IRC Ghana, an extension of the International Reference Center supporting the Netherlands government and the World Health Organization (WHO), is now operational in several countries.

She emphasized that CONIWAS plays a crucial role through the MOLE Conference, ensuring that water access reaches underserved communities. IRC Ghana’s primary goal is to complement government efforts in delivering services to hard-to-reach areas. She praised CONIWAS for its significant contributions to the sector and pledged continued support for their important initiatives.

Madam Duti noted that IRC Ghana focuses on governance and the delivery of WASH services, aiming to assist the government and other stakeholders in strengthening systems for water service delivery. She highlighted the importance of effective policies and strategies for planning, monitoring, and learning within the sector.

She stressed the need for collaboration among various actors to share knowledge and improve service delivery. By enhancing coordination, stakeholders can work more effectively together, fostering dialogue to grow the sector and optimize their efforts.


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