Pharmacy Council shutdown illegal OTCMs shop at Mamprobi Agege
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On the morning of July 21, 2023, the Pharmacy Council closed down an Over-The-Counter Medicines (OTCMs) facility located in Mamprobi Agege.The facility was found to be illicitly dispensing tramadol to a drug addict. The intervention was prompted by a tip-off from two vigilant police officers who witnessed the addict adding a substance, later identified as tramadol, to his drink.
Upon further questioning, the individual admitted to lacing his drink with tramadol and revealed that he had obtained the drug from the aforementioned OTCMs shop. Acting promptly, the officers confronted the facility’s owner, who displayed a defiant and uncooperative attitude during the interrogation. Consequently, a formal report was lodged with the Pharmacy Council, leading to swift enforcement measures being taken.
The owner of the facility and her staff are set to face the disciplinary committee of Council, where they will be required to explain to the Council stocking and dispensing a prescription-only medicine without appropriate authorization.
Consuming Tramadol in combination with other substances can lead to dependence, liver diseases, renal dysfunction, or respiratory dysfunction. Additionally, when mixed with alcohol, Tramadol can significantly lower brain activity, resulting in loss of consciousness, increased depression, brain damage, and even suicidal tendencies.
The Pharmacy Council’s firm action against the illegal dispensing of Tramadol serves as a critical reminder of the potential dangers associated with improper handling, distribution and use of prescription only medicine. It highlights the importance of adhering to regulatory guidelines to safeguard public health and prevent abuse of such medications.
Pharmaceutical service providers are therefore warned to desist from dispensing Prescription only medicines without a valid prescription.
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