Prof. Kofi Abotsi appointed Chairman of Ghana Forum of African Bar Association
Dean of UPSA Law School and Constitutional Law Expert Professor Ernest Kofi Abotsi has been appointed as the substantive Chairman of the Ghana Forum of the African Bar Association.
His appointment was announced by the Executive Council of the African Bar Association [AFBA].
As Chairman, he will have the overall responsibility of organising the affairs of the Ghana Forum of Lawyers and Patrons as he may choose under the umbrella of AFBA.
The letter to him read “in consultation with the Deputy Chairman and other Executive Committee Members, you [Professor Ernest Kofi Abotsi] are to mobilize lawyers in Ghana to enroll as members of the African Bar Association, seek funding and other support for the African Bar Association, form Committees of committed members to meet the various needs of AFBA, organise Seminars and Programmes that benefits your members and the African Bar Association, publicize AFBA Conferences and activities and mobilize members to attend and keep a record of members and ensure payment of Annual Membership fees”.
The letter also stated that “of utmost importance is seeking the assistance and co-operation of the leadership and members of the Ghana Bar Association, the Attorney- General of Ghana, the Judiciary and other stakeholders”.
The Executive Council of the African Bar Association thanked Professor Abotsi for accepting to serve the association, adding “it is hoped that you will use your wealth of experience to uplift the activities of AFBA”.
Professor Abotsi’s appointment is for a two years tenure and may be renewed by the President upon satisfactory performance.
Prof. Abotsi served as the Dean of the GIMPA Law School.
Source : /Jerry Akornor
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