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Speaker of Parliament adjourns sittings indefinitely



Speaker of Parliament adjourns sittings indefinitely

Speaker Alban Bagbin has adjourned Parliament without a fixed date due to ongoing controversies surrounding vacant seats. The decision came during a session where the National Democratic Congress (NDC) members occupied the Majority side after the New Patriotic Party (NPP) MPs walked out.

The NPP’s departure followed a dispute over seat allocations, with the opposition claiming to have the majority. During a brief discussion, Speaker Bagbin concurred with Francis-Xavier Sosu that the official record should reflect that the NPP, having exited, was in fact the Minority at that time.

Leading the NPP out, Alexander Afenyo-Markin, the MP for Effutu, stated they would return to their offices to await further instructions from Speaker Bagbin. He emphasized their decision to avoid confrontation, prioritizing peace in Ghana.

“We chose to leave quietly, recognizing that our grievances are best addressed in court. We expect the NDC to act accordingly, while looking to the Speaker for a resolution,” he said.

Later, Speaker Bagbin addressed the House, acknowledging that while there were enough members present to conduct some business, it was insufficient for decision-making. He confirmed receipt of court documents related to the ruling on four MPs, which had declared their seats vacant.

“We lack a quorum. Given the circumstances and the questions surrounding Parliament’s composition, I will, per Standing Orders 59, adjourn the House indefinitely,” he announced.


On October 18, the Supreme Court issued a stay on Speaker Bagbin’s ruling that declared four parliamentary seats vacant, ordering Parliament to allow those MPs to continue representing their constituencies. This stay remains until the Court delivers a final ruling.

The stay application was filed by NPP MPs seeking to prevent the enforcement of the Speaker’s ruling, affecting three NPP members and one from the NDC. The case was heard ex parte, allowing the Court to consider the NPP’s request without the involvement of the Speaker or Parliament.

The ruling was delivered by a Supreme Court panel led by Chief Justice Gertrude Torkonoo, alongside Justices Mariama Owusu, Kwame Adibu Asiedu, Ernest Yao Gaewu, and Yaw Darko Asare.

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