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Prince Benjamin Mawutor
August 21, 2024 at 11:26 am
I really wonder why the system is so corrupt. Is there no leadership in Ghana.
Is the already polluted revers not enough,
Where is integrity. Over and over again it has been said Politicians are behind this
mining and pollution of our water bodies
Enough is enough .please leave Atronso in peace.
Nana Kweku Andoh
August 21, 2024 at 12:39 pm
This President is leaving the worst legacy EVER in the administration of this land! The crime stinks to high heaven. Even the actions of those we have accused of extra judicial killings in the past have not gone on a spree which will affect millions.. Why are Ghanaians allowing this crime on humanity?? The fact that his own men like Wontumi have been caught red handed by media investigators mining in our forest reserves speaks volumes about the President’s character and his suitability for the job. The fact that his Vice has not utttered a word to distance himself from these party mining interests leaves little to want him anywhere near the Presidency!
African Editors
August 21, 2024 at 3:09 pm