Invest in housing projects to fix housing deficits in Africa – Enterpreneur
According to the UN HABIT AGENDA, housing is a basic human right that must be accorded to all regardless of gender, colour, race, religion, etc.
Access for the poor to urban housing is one of the main challenges facing many policy makers in Africa.
The escalating housing prices mean that when one visits the dusty streets of Mbare, Zimbabwe; Alexandra, South Africa; the dusty streets of Accra, Ghana; the outer skirts of Lagos, Nigeria; etc., one is sure to find people with no hope of ever owning a house.
Let us struggle to eliminate this problem and ensure that every African person has a home.
The problem can be solved by employing prefabricated houses and low-cost houses.
Prefabricated houses will provide a low-cost and speedy solution to the severe housing shortages caused by wartime devastation, large-scale urbanization, and rural exodus. Although mass-produced housing has a poor reputation, constructing dwellings using prefabricated sections can save time and money.
Enos Denhere is a Zimbabwean Journalist and Entrepreneur. He is seeking for investors and project financiers that are interested in mass home building. I will be in charge of locating housing developments in Zimbabwe and beyond Africa. Please contact me at or +263773894975 via WhatsApp.
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