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ABANTU calls for action on decline in women’s political representation

Mrs. Hamida Harrison, ABANTU’s Resource Sustainability Manager


ABANTU calls for action on decline in women’s political representation

ABANTU For Development, a prominent women’s advocacy group, has called upon political leaders to demonstrate the necessary commitment to ensure increased participation and representation of women in national discourse.

The organization expressed deep concern over the recent decline in women’s involvement and representation, particularly highlighting the upcoming 2024 general elections as a critical juncture.

During a recent media engagement in Accra, Mrs. Hamida Harrison, ABANTU’s Resource Sustainability Manager, underscored the urgent need for women’s full inclusiveness in political processes.

She emphasized the imperative of passing the long-overdue Affirmative Action Bill (AAB) into law to address pervasive inequalities and discrimination against women in political spheres compared to their male counterparts.

Mrs. Harrison lamented the ongoing decline in women’s participation since Ghana’s transition to democracy and expressed apprehension about further setbacks in the 9th parliament following the 2024 elections.


She criticized both the ruling NPP and opposition NDC for their failure to secure existing seats held by women during the 2024 Parliamentary Primaries.

Advocating for swift alignment of national legislation with international standards, Mrs. Harrison urged immediate action to eliminate gender disparities in politics.

She encouraged Ghanaian women to step forward boldly into leadership roles and called upon governmental bodies, political parties, the media, and the public to prioritize and promote women’s active engagement in the country’s political sphere.

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