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Don’t blackmail Sam Pyne, endorse him- Akufo-Addo to KMA


Don’t blackmail Sam Pyne, endorse him- Akufo-Addo to KMA

President Akufo-Addo has encouraged individuals from the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly to pull a break on the blackmail of his candidate for Kumasi Metropolitan Chief Executive, Sam Pyne, and give him the nod to serve KMA.

The individuals had chosen not to support Mr Pyne until the central government takes care of a GHS50 million debts the Assembly owes.

As indicated by the Assembly Members, the long standing debts has essentially added to the underdevelopment of Kumasi.

The Presiding Member for KMA Stephen Ofori, has freely served notice that the Assembly won’t endorse any chosen one except if every debt are cleared by the central government.

Stephen Ofori added that those debts were caused during the regime of President Kufour, yet when he left power , the NDC government that took over paid for the Accra Metropolitan Assembly and Tema Metropolitan Assembly and left them out.

“We have a few debts that the government needs to pay for us. It was under previous President Kufour’s period that he entrusted the gathering to take up those undertakings and vowed to bail us on those tasks yet after he left power and NDC took over leadership, they paid for Accra and Tema and left Kumasi and that debts has been on our neck throughout the long term.”

“So we are saying that if the public authority doesn’t settle that debtd for us, no one will possess that seat as Mayor.”

In any case, remarking on the issue in a meeting on Pure FM observed by President Akufo Addo expressed that the position taken by the get together is off-base.

“I don’t comprehend the association, would he say he is the person who caused the obligation? If he somehow managed to be the person who caused the obligation then I would then be able to concur with the situation of the gathering individuals yet that is not the situation. Is it true that he will be a survivor of the past? I don’t feel that is reasonable. I appeal to the get together individuals to take a gander at his capability and endorse him to begin working.

“I’ve requested the Local Government Minister to investigate the issue from the obligation and give me a legitimate brief of why the obligation. Since we’ve seen on many events that purported obligation, upon examinations, the figures don’t make any sense, we’ve seen it in numerous spaces of public life – Energy area, Rail, numerous others.

President Akufo-Addo added: “i’m not sure how… and that they will hold up Kumasi getting a legitimate Chief Executive in view of the past? I don’t imagine that is reasonable. It seems, by all accounts, to be shakedown. That isn’t the approach. I think what they need to get from him when he shows up before them directly from the start is to get the obligation to manage it, that will be the legitimate approach. On the off chance that they feel he’s deserving of affirmation, let him make it clear to them that when he’s endorsed the main thing on the plan is that he’ll investigate the obligation and work along with the public authority to clear it.”


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