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GPA supports children of couple found dead in Kumasi


GPA supports children of couple found dead in Kumasi

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The Ghana Psychological Association (GPA) has received with shock, news about the bizarre story of retrieval of bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, by the Ghana Police Service in Atwima Maakro near Abuakwa in the Ashanti region. The incident also involved their two children who were found unconscious at the time of rescue. We commiserate with their families for the huge loss.

The GPA is excited to learn that the two children have been resuscitated. However, we are worried about the current state of mind as this is critical to their recuperation and total restoration of health. In the circumstances, the two children are not only physically weak but mentally and
emotionally bruised. Extra care therefore, must be taken to deal with these conditions too.

Children also suffer emotional trauma, and in their case; witnessing the death of both parents; chatever being the cause, as well as living with the bodies for that while, makes the impact grievous. Neglect in addressing and managing the impact could pose dire psychological consequences on the two and their future functioning including their general mental health.

It is in this light, that the GPA has dispatched their Trauma Informed Care Team to support other agencies in providing professional assessment and evidence-driven care to compliment medical treatment of the children. The team may extend their services to related targets including:

– co-tenants
– close neighbors
– family members
– Police (especially their line and manner of questioning during investigations).

We call on stakeholders’ support to execute the task ahead. It is worth noting that, this is but one of the many stories that has a serious psychological twist to recovery. The GPA cannot overemphasize the importance of power of positive mental wellbeing in healing processes.

We reiterate the need to assign Psychologists to at least, all ministries, agencies and departments as well as health facilities to compliment treatment of the sick and also address increasing mental health issues. We again urge the government to immediately constitute
GPC board in the interest of promoting mental health in Ghana.

The GPA applauds the Police Service and especially the officers who were directly involved in this rescue mission. At the appropriate time they should be made available to benefit from psychological support services.

We encourage people to seek help, especially professional psychological help when needed and challenge all persons to improve our social network to increase social support and opportunity for us to watch over each other.

You can always reach GPA on telephone number: 0553470086 or via email:
Long live GPA, long live Ghana!!!
Mrs Joy Anima Debrah
National PRO

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