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I’m in court to administer law not my faith – SC Nominee



I’m in court to administer law not my faith – SC Nominee

Supreme Court Nominee Justice Samuel Kwame Adibu Asiedu is advocating for pro-bono services by lawyers to be made compulsory requirement for yearly renewal of licenses of lawyers at the Ghana Bar Association. This was after Madina MP Francis Xavier Sosu asked for his opinion on the matter.

Two of the Supreme Court Nominees today appeared before the Appointment Committee of Parliament for vetting.

Led by the Chairman and First Deputy Speaker Joseph Osei Owusu, the committee began vetting of nominees.

First was Justice Samuel Kwame Adibu Asiedu. Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu was quick to ask the nominee about his view on recent judgements from the Supreme Court on the standing orders of Parliament and whether it can interfere in the Affairs of Parliament. Justice Adibu Asiedu said the Supreme Court by law has the power to interpret the constitution including laws that affect Parliament.

The nominee was asked to explain what he will do if his faith conflicts with the laws of Ghana. Justice Kwame Adibu Asiedu said he is in court to administer laws as a judge not his faith. He added that his Judiciary philosophy is to bear to the true faith and allegiance to the constitution.

Justice Samuel Kwame Adibu Asiedu also wants pro-bono services by lawyers to be made compulsory requirement for the renewal of licenses of lawyers at the Ghana Bar Association.


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