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Let’s move Ghana from political to economic independence


Let’s move Ghana from political to economic independence – CACG


Read Ghana’s 65th Independence Celebration message on behalf of Crusaders Against Corruption-Ghana

Let Ghana Move From Political to ECONOMIC Independence

I declare today the 6th of March, 2022 as the day of reflection.
This day is a reflection on the great success that was achieved by our forefathers. They at a period in our nations history decided to get angry at the status quo.

The status quo of having colonial masters determining the future and direction of our destiny and destination as a nation. Our forefathers agreed to unite so to do everything necessary to give us freedom. Freedom from the oppressors. They gave us independent. They gave us political independence even at the peril of their lives.

65 years on, the mantle is handed to you and I. Our task is to also come together in the unity and in the interest of Ghana to fight for economic independence.

We need to work together to ensure that we can also hand over a mantle to our next generation.

This is a mantle of Economic INDEPENDENCE. This is a mantle of you and I believing in ourselves. This is a mantle of us supporting our leaders as we build and establish home grown policies.

This fight will not be an easy one.

No, it will not be an easy one because it will come with all the opposition. Opposition from both within and outside Ghana, but just as it was the attitude of our forefathers who gave us political independence some 65 years ago, LET US ALL REMAIN FOCUSED ON THE FACT THAT WE ARE WORKING TOGETHER FOR AN ECONOMIC INDEPENDENCE.

Yes the road is not easy but that is a sign that we are on the right course.

That is a sign that we are doing something different from what we have been doing all these years.
That is a sign that we are moving away from getting the same old results.

Ghana our mother land is all that we have and we need to realise from this moment that we are all being called to join in the fight as we unite to give our next generation an ECONOMIC INDEPENDENCE.

Let us not be distracted by complaints and discouraging scenes.

As it was recorded in the bible, the journey from Eqypt (the slave land) to the Promise land was not easy.
My fellow citizens of Ghana, we may currently be aI a stage that can be described as the wilderness.
Others may describe it as being in the middle of the sea, yet others may have other negative descriptions for it, but I want us all to start describing it as GETTING CLOSER TO THE PROMISED LAND.

Let us not look back at the biblical Eqypt.
Let us not look at and be discouraged by the current state of Ghana.

Rather, let us focus on our destination.
Let us concentrate on the promised land that we are getting to.
This destination is called the ECONOMIC INDEPENDENCE destination.
We will surely achieve this with unity of purpose.

In conclusion, Let history record our names as a generation that achieved ECONOMIC INDEPENDENCE for Ghana.

Happy 65th Independent Day to every Ghanaian.

Source :

Emmanuel Wilson Jnr
Chief Crusader
Crusaders Against Corruption-Ghana


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