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MMDCEs Chaos: ‘Deal with lawless NPP agitators’- Prof. Adei to IGP


MMDCEs Chaos: ‘Deal with lawless NPP agitators’- Prof. Adei to IGP

Ex-Rector of Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Prof. Stephen Adei has charged the police to deal with lawless New Patriotic Party (NPP) agitators who throw caution to the wind and go on rampage, damage state property on the grounds that their favoured candidate was not chosen by the president as a Metropolitan, Municipal or District Chief Executive (MMDCE).

A gathering of furious allies of the NPP have been causing damage to state property in dissent to what they consider as the scorning of their favoured choices by the president in his arrangements.

In the Tema Central supporters, the furious youth secured the party’s office after President Nana Akufo-Addo designated Yohane Armah Ashitey as the Metropolitan Chief Executive.

Individuals from the gathering favored Charles Boateng for the work.

The gathering said the president should compensate their persevering favoured applicant.

Comparable agitations occurred in the Odododiodoo voting demographic in the Greater Accra and Chereponi in the North East Region.

In Chereponi, the police captured 12 for revolting.

Responding to these advancements in a meeting checked by African Editors in Accra on 29 September 2021, Professor Adei insists such lawlessness should not be left off the hook.

He noted that “In this country, we should be exceptionally cautious since individuals have arrogated to themselves the propensity to do things they need”.

He said: “As far as the current Constitution is concerned, the president has the sole privilege to select a DCE and metropolitan and, others, in this way, he doesn’t need to be at the beg and call of any lawless NPP trouble maker who go on rampage after processes are completed for take off”.

“You can’t have the present circumstance of disorder”.

“Indeed, I was very shocked that he took such a long time in a second term for this to occur”.

“I’m told they needed to counsel individuals and different things and those are internal party issues”.

“However, I can see that some NPP individuals, to them, this is their last possibility under Akufo-Addo”, he noticed, adding: “Regardless of whether there’s another NPP government, it won’t be Akufo-Addo, by law, yet that doesn’t give anyone the option to protest to burn tires and I feel that it is outright disorder and they should be managed precisely”.

Source: Editors

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