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PAHM to celebrate Nkrumah on Ghana Independence Day with public forum


PAHM to celebrate Nkrumah on Ghana Independence Day with public forum

The Pan African Heritage ‘World’ Museum, in collaboration with Face2Face Africa, PANAFEST, African American Association of Ghana, Ghana Caribbean Association, Marcus Mosiah Garvey Foundation, ADACI-USA, On Our Watch Global, and Walter Rodney Foundation, will hold a public forum on March 6, 2023 at Accra’s Coltrane Jazz Club at Adenta to celebrate Kwame Nkrumah as part of this year’s Ghana Independence Day commemoration.
Under the theme “Africa is born in us; it is our heritage”, the event is to celebrate the first President of Ghana as “The Black Star, A Pan Africanist for all time”.

Kwame Nkrumah was a passionate
Pan-Africanist whose radical vision and bold leadership helped to usher Ghana into independence in 1957. He served and continues to serve, as an inspiration to many other Black leaders, up till today.

Appearing as Special Guest of Honor is Madam Samia Nkrumah, daughter of the great pan Africanist and a Patron of PAHM. The forum, which is open to the public virtually and in person, will also celebrate African people globally as part of Black History Month. Speakers at the forum will include Prof Pash Obeng, CEO of PAHM, Molefi Kete Asante (PAHM-USA), Prof Michael Williams (GHANA/USA), Prof Amina Mama (Nigeria/USA), Diallo Sumbry (AAAG), and Prof K. Opoku Agyeman (PAHM).
Messages will also come from Dr Alexander Chisango (PAHM Zimbabwe), Prof Akin Alao (PAHM/Nigeria), Prof Verena Shepherd (PAHM Jamaica), Ms Carnita Groves ( PAHM Ghana/Brazil), Dr Ibrahima Seck (PAHM Senegal/USA), Hlumelo Biko (South Africa), Neville Buchana (MMGF) and Sherrie Thompson (PAHM Ghana/USA).

Others to speak are Rabbi Kohain (PANAFEST), Dr Patricia Rodney (Walter Rodney Foundation, USA), Joramu Nkumbi (PAHM Tanzania), Imruh Bakari (PAHM UK), Carol Davis-Pryce (GCA), Neville Buchanan (MMGF), Eurika Huggins (ADACI-USA) and Nana Achampong of the African University College of Communications, Accra.
The event will be moderated by Pan African Heritage World Museum founder Kojo Yankah.

The two-hour event, starting at 16hoursGMT, and interspersed with video shows, jazz and Bob Marley music and spoken word, will be streamed live on social media.

Issued by the Communication Department, PAHM

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