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We’ll tighten Covid-19 safety protocols- Cherryfield Montessori Sch Boss

Cherryfield Montessori School


We’ll tighten Covid-19 safety protocols- Cherryfield Montessori Sch Boss

Chief Executive Officer of Cherryfield Montessori School Madam Magdalene Dzifa Adzanu says the school will continue to tighten Covid-19 safety protocols to compliment government’s efforts to contain, combat and prevent the spread of infectious pandemic. Her decision to tighten safety measure at the school comes at the time Ghana Health Service has reviewed Covid-19 protocols at Kotoka International Airport due to the influx of amicron variant. According to her, the safety of students and staff remains the school’s topmost priority.


Speaking at the 6th Graduation, Speech and Prize-Giving Ceremony of the School within the GA West Municipality, CEO of Cherryfield Montessori School Madam Magdalene Dzifa Adzanu appealed to government to fix the road from ACP Junction to the School.

“Chair, it is an undeniable fact that, last year was bedeviled with the novel Corona Virus pandemic which truncated all academic activities thereby impeding the progress of several other businesses. The negative impact of COVID-19 cannot be over emphasized. In fact, it has created some insurmountable problems that the world has been battling with of which Cherryfield is no exception. The pandemic did not only distort the academic calendar of the school but it also disrupted the teaching and learning processes in general. The Chair, in order to mitigate the impact of this health emergency on our curricula activities, CMS could not but resort to other instructional medium as we were committed, notwithstanding, to our promises of delivering quality education to our pupils”, Madam Dzifa Adzanu said.

Madam Magdalene Dzifa Adzanu, CEO of Cherryfield Montessori School clad in African Apparel (left), Pious Enam Hadzide, CEO of National Youth Authority (middle) and Annabel Kafui Poku-Appiah, Cluster Manager of Absa Bank Ghana Ltd.

Madam Magdalene Dzifa Adzanu noted that “At the initial stages of the outbreak of COVID-19 in Ghana, the school introduced and employed online facilities as alternative medium of instruction. These included the Zoom platform and a Smart App. The former has been an interactive video interface where teachers and pupils met for lessons, and the latter
supplemented this effort as it was used by the students to do their homework. Though a few challenges were encountered during the roll-out of these
programmes, I am delighted to report that the initiative has been a success”.

According to Madam Magdalene Dzifa Adzanu, “Prior to the commencement of 2020/2021 academic year, a number of safety protocols were put in place. Among others, we can list the fumigation of
classrooms, the frequent washing of hands and the use of body spraying machine at the entrance of the school.

She told the media that “the health and safety of our staff is one of our topmost priorities because as the popular parlance goes, ‘True health infuses positive energy in the mind, body and spirit, which is the focus of life’. For this reason, and coupled with the Covid-19 exigencies, a series of health screening exercises were organised for the staff”.

She has also assured parents that plans are far-advanced to ensure that 2021/2022 academic calendar is reversed and brought back to normalcy.

Besides, the school continues to chalk more successes outside its perimeters. Cherryfield Montessori School participanted in a Quiz competition organized by the Ga-West Education
Unit of the Ghana Education Service on Basic, Science, and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (BSTEM) for both private and government schools
in the district. Over 200 schools which took part in the competition, Cherryfield Montessori School reached the finals, and was adjudged the ultimate Winners of the 2021 BSTEM QUIZ competition. Congratulations to the team”.

Touching on extra curricular activities, Madam Dzifa Adzanu expressed confidence that “Madam Chair, aside the academic work, permit me to also bring to your notice that, the school managed to observe a successful culture day in September
early this academic term”

A number of infrastructure projects are underway to improve and expand facilities. In view of this, Management is working assiduously to ensure the provision of adequate classrooms and educational
facilities for effective teaching and learning to take place. While the big block is on the verge of completion, plans are underway for the erection of new classrooms to augment the existing ones. This is in line with the Management’s commitment to creating and fostering a stimulating learning environment for learners.

Similarly, as part of the school’s policy to ensure that the facilitators are well equipped, the school organised several in-service trainings for them to bring them
up to speed with current practices and methods of teaching centered on learner engagement and development. The Management is therefore highly optimistic that Cherryfield staff members are competent to deliver quality services to our wards.

She has also expressed confidence that the God’s hands of providence will bless candidates who took part in the BECE to come out with flying colours.

“The Chair, it is again worthy of note that Cherryfield presented our candidates for the recent Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE),and it is our fervent hope that God will crown our efforts with success”, she noted.

Cherryfield Montessori School CEO Dzifa Adzanu has also appealed to government to fix the deplorable road from ACP Estate Junction to the school.

According to her, the connecting road that leads to the School from the main ACP Estate Junction has been in a deplorable state for long. I therefore want to use
this occasion to appeal to government to put it in a good shape. This appeal is crucial since the construction of the 100m road will ease the movement not only
for the parents to the school but also for all the inhabitants in the area.

For her, today marks the 6th Graduation, Speech and Prize Giving Ceremony of our Great School- Cherryfield with the theme Blended Learning: A catalyst tor Quality Education in the 21st Century. Due to the outbreak of COVID, last year’s graduation programme could not take place. Accordingly, the school is graduating today different sets of students, including the graduands of last academic year. Let me end by quoting Charles B. Rangel who says and I quote “A quality education grants us the ability to fight the war on ignorance and poverty”.

Speaking on the sidelines of the graduation speech and prize-giving day, Cluster Manager of Absa Bank Ghana Ltd (Osu, Ring Road Central, Ridge and UNDP Branches) Annabel Kafui Poku-Appiah who chaired the ceremony urged the public to strictly adhere to Covid-19 safety protocols before, during and after Christmas.

Apart from the ceremony which was characterised by poetry recitals, choreography and cultural performancecs, Cherryfield Montessori School also awarded some personalities who have distinguished themselves. These include Star Teacher of the Year, Contestants abd winners of the 2021 GA West Municipal Quiz Competition who put up splendid performance to lift the trophy, the Most Disciplined Student of the Year and special awards for deserving pupils who distinguished themselves in their respective classes.

Meanwhile, CEO of National Youth Authority Pious Enam Hadzide has urged parents to heavily scale up investment in their wards’ education to secure their future.

“We’re invited as parents to bear the cost of our children’s education. I can assure you it’s a very worthy investment to make. The only investment that will give us the true benefits and results is the investment in our wards, not the houses, not the cars, not the funeral clothes! and so on, and that’s why I’m excited that you’ve chosen to invest in your wards”.

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