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We’re ready to face you at SC- Foh-Amoaning dares Akoto Ampaw & Co

We're ready to face you at SC- Foh-Amoaning dares Akoto-Ampaw & Co


We’re ready to face you at SC- Foh-Amoaning dares Akoto Ampaw & Co

A Lecturer at Ghana School of Law, Veteran Journalist and Executive Secretary of the National Coalition for Proper Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Lawyer Moses Foh-Amoaning is promising a legal showdown at the Supreme Court between him and a coalition of 18 intellectuals professors and lawyers challenging the anti-LGBTQI Bill if they attempt to run to Ghana’s apex court upon passage into law.

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Moses Foh-Amoaning on the Tuesday, October 12, 2021 version of Metro TV’s Good Evening Ghana programme insusts that the position held by the 18 alliance of intellectuals is not welcome in law.

According to him, his outfit is prepared with writs to battle head-on every legal tussle that emerges from pro-LGBTQ+ front runners upon passage of the anti-gay Bill into law.

He said that in both worldwide law and per the 1992 Constitution, the common freedoms contention being propounded by the alliance has no legs.

As per him, at the worldwide level, a choice by the European Court of Human Rights overcomes the situation of Akufo-Addo’s Counsel Akoto Ampaw and his companions.

Locally, Moses Foh-Amoaning said that the constitution of Ghana does permit LGBTQI+ community to operate.

“The issue of same-sex freedoms was brought under the steady gaze of 47 judges of the European Court of Human Rights. The court is the biggest and most experienced common liberties court in the entire world. The issue of same-sex freedoms took them two years.

“They saw humanities, checked out certain law, regular law. They went through everything and 47 of them were consistent that LGBTQ+ freedoms don’t have a place with the worldwide common liberties law. Also, that if a specific nation doesn’t concede to those freedoms, it isn’t breaking any worldwide law or rule of equity or segregation.

“That is a question of law so assuming you need the common freedoms law, that is the position. I’m moving the teachers to show me where the Supreme Court held that sex under the constitution implies other than male or female or sex joins sexual direction.

“Assuming they need, they ought to go to the Supreme Court. Truth be told, we are prepared with writs and ready to meet them. It was for an essential explanation that we are just trusting that this law will be passed,” he said.

Legal advisor Akoto Ampawis head of a gathering of common freedoms safeguards who are against the LGBTQI+ bill on grounds that it disregards the privileges of gay people in the country.

They stand firm on the footing that the state can’t direct the ethics of people and that the privileges of the LGBTQI+ persons should not be choked.

Regarding the anti-LGBTQ+ Bill

Sam Nartey George led eight MPs who drafted a Private Members’ Bill named: “The Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values, Bill 2021,” which tries to thoroughly prohibit exercises of the LGBTQ+ people group.

Right now, the bill has been laid before the house and alluded to the suitable board of trustees for thought.

The Ningo Prampram MP has unequivocally shielded the requirement for the bill which he demands is a need in saving the moral and social upsides of Ghanaians overall.

Sam George demands that LGBTQ+ inclinations are not common liberties but rather inclinations that should be managed inside the setting of what Ghanaian culture and culture acknowledges.

The bill has the full backing of Speaker Alban Bagbin who is on record to have said he is favourable to life and will guarantee that the bill is passed into law straightaway.

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We're ready to face you at SC- Foh-Amoaning dares Akoto-Ampaw & Co

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