Foreign News

Guinea coup: Release Prez Alpha Conde- ECOWAS

Guinea coup: Release Alpha Conde- ECOWAS

Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS is demanding unconditional release of Guinea President Alpha Conde after military took over the seat of government in the capital Conakry of the Francophone West Africa country.

The government of ECOWAS Member state Guinea was overthrown by the military with all air, sea and land borders closed on Sunday, September 5, 2021.

Dumbuya who led the military takeover said “he intends to form CNRD to steer administration of Guinea via a transition after dissolving parliament, government and directed immediate suspension of Guinea’s supreme law”.

In a sharp reaction to the issue, ECOWAS said it unreservedly condemns attempted coup in Conakry, capital of Guinea and demands unconditional release Prof. Alpha Conde with immediate return to constitutional order.

A statement signed and issued by Chairman of Authority of Heads of States and Government President Akufo-Addo said “We ask the Guinean defense and security forces to remain in a constitutional manner, wishing Guineans solidarity and safety of President Alpha Conde.

President Alpha Conde organised referendum to legalise his decision to seek re-election after 10-year constitutional threshold which he won and continued to stay in power beyond ten years.

The state from the coup leader seems to agree with the philosophical dictum that “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”- John F. Kennedy

Source: Editors 

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