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Anti-LBGTQI+ Bill : Sam George punches Sister Derby hard.

Anti-LBGTQI+ Bill : Sam George punches Sister Derby hard.

Member of Parliament for Ningo Prampram constituency, has subtly jabbed a musician and a model, Sister Derby by asking her to go and learn the genre of music that best suits her first before engaging him.Anti-LBGTQI+ Bill : Sam George punches Sister Derby hard.Anti-LBGTQI+ Bill : Sam George punches Sister Derby hard.Anti-LBGTQI+ Bill : Sam George punches Sister Derby hard.


Dzata as he is affectionately called, has Kicked against legalization of the LBGTQI+ in Ghana, and among the seven members of Parliament who have drafted and sent a bill to parliament to criminalize the LBGTQI+. He later tweeted about the attacks he has received from people because of their political affiliation, but he is willing to fight till the end to get bill pass into law.

The tweet attracted so many comments and reactions from different people. The comment which has generated a whole of noise on twitter and keeping Sam George in the trends is the comments from Sister Derby and reply from Sam George.

This is how it all started:
“I have seen the attacks from a few goons aligned to a political inclination based on my leadership on the PMB against LGBTQI+ in Ghana. Bow your heads in shame. Nothing would stand in our way to get this Bill passed by the House. Take your perversion and let me speak my truth!”🦁
And this is how Sister Derby reacted:
“You are rather full of perversion. So obsessed with peoples sexual orientation. Shame on you, you backward thinker!!!”

Then Dzata came back even harder, he asked Derby to first figure the genre of music she can succeed at, then they will have a conversation. He ended by asking her to say “hi” to her ex-boyfriend Medikals.
“Hopefully, when you figure out what genre of music you can succeed at, we can have a forward-looking conversation. Until then, say hi to @AmgMedikal for me. Cheers.”🦁

This has generated Twitter conversation and trolls, with some calling a proper ” agenda boy” for dragging Derby and other people under his comments.

Source: Karvi

Anti-LBGTQI+ Bill : Sam George punches Sister Derby hard.Anti-LBGTQI+ Bill : Sam George punches Sister Derby hard.

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