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Cherryfield Montessori Sch marks 2022 Career Day (VIDEOS)

Cherryfield Montessori Sch marks 2022 Career Day (VIDEOS)

Cherryfield Montessori School (CMS), an excellence center of learning, located at Pokuase-ACP Estate Junction, has marked its 2022 Career Day with pupils clad in different uniforms to portray what corporate Ghana, institutions, companies, and numerous organizations stand for within Ghana.

The theme for this 2022 Career Day Celebration is christened: “The significants of uniform in our work places”.

Speaking to African Editors on the sidelines of 2022 Career Day celebration on February 25 within the GA West Municipality, Chief Executive Officer of Cherryfield Montessori School Madam Magdalene Dzifa Adzanu revealed that the 2022 Career Day is being celebrated to educate pupils towards their future dream of work whilst helping them to showcase their talents, invent, innovate and optimise resources for the benefits of the citizenry.

She noted that “This is very important because, we always make sure the students wear the uniform without knowing why they wear the uniform. Why they choose a particular colour for a particular job. Why they designed it in particular way”.

According to Cherryfield Montessori School CEO Magdalene Dzifa Adzanu, the 2022 Career Day celebration is a wake up call to the school and the teachers to educate students on the reason why institutions such as the security services, would wear a uniform and have a coat of arms including other features.

The 2022 Career Day celebration she revealed, gives the pupils a sense of belonging and a form of safety likewise, a means of advertisment and at the same time, enhanced the image of the organization.

Madam Magdalene Dzifa Adzanu added that, the Career Day also spells out a fair ideas about the many job opportunities available in the world of work in the future.

Cherryfield Montessori School engages in activities such as Creative Arts Club, Math and Science Club, Drama Club, Karate lessons, swimming, Reading Club,
Piano lessons which potential bedrocks for future careers.

Watch the Videos:


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