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Ghana on dangerous path of potential catastrophe -Opong-Fosu 

Ghana on dangerous path of potential catastrophe -Opong-Fosu

The National Democratic Congress East London branch of the UK chapter over the weekend held it an annual conference.
Hon. Akwasi Opong-Fosu, the former local government minister and a governance expert, was the special guest of honour.

The international speaker and the former minister touched on major happenings in the country and it neighbouring west African sub region.
Speaking on the theme Rethinking Leadership and Governance, for the Ghana We Want: Role of the Diaspora.

“As a country,
we are in a crisis that is verging towards a nation catastrophe. The crisis is a result of leadership failure, democratic governance dysfunction, meltdown of state institutions, plunder of national resources, and an unprecedented economic decline. All these self-inflicted factors have converged in tilting the country towards social and political instability. We have to do things differently and urgently so as to avoid the consequences of the dark clouds looming over our heads”.

Hon. Akwasi Opong-Fosu, who was passionate about the happenings in the country, echoed that as a nation, we stand dangerously on a cliff’s edge. When your neighbour’s beard is on fire, you should have water in readiness to quench yours. There are two very important issues that can trigger a disruption in our democratic governance as we head towards the 2024 general elections and after.
Firstly, anything close to attempts to subvert the will of the people for a change will give vent to bottled-up anger with its attendant sociopolitical unrest. Secondly, if and when a new government continues with the process of transaction politics, corruption, and insensitivity to the needs of the needs of the people.

In the context of our economy, an economist who is an accomplice of a group motivated by a grand scheme to plunder and recklessly dissipate financial and natural resources, cannot in anyway transform that he previously made the whole world believe had weak fundamentals and for which he had the magic wand to turn it around. Indeed, whatever fundamentals were inherited have been destroyed.

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