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Let’s replace GHAMRO with new entity, I got GHC600 so far- D-Black

Let's replace GHAMRO with new entity backed by govt, I got GHC600 so far- D-Black

Let’s replace GHAMRO with new entity, I got GHC600 so far- D-Black

Ghanaian Rapper D-Black has recommended that the Ghana Music Rights Organization (GHAMRO) be rejected and an absolutely new entity put in place to adequately deal with royalties in Ghana’s innovative expressions space.

GHAMRO was framed in December 2011. Before 2011, it existed as the Copyright Society of Ghana (COSGA) which was framed in 1986.

After just shy of thirty years, the music arm of COSGA was given over to GHAMRO, which organized an interval board to regulate its obligations.

Today, GHAMRO is driven by highlife legend Rex Omar.

Talking in an interview monitored by African Editors on Thursday, 28 October 2021 with regards to royalties for inventive artistes among different issues, D-Black said since he got into the music business, he just got GHS600 from GHRAMRO around five, six years prior as eminences and that’s it.

In his view, the entire sovereignties system should be updated.

“It’s a great deal of work”, he conceded.

“How about we start from this radio broadcast; whoever possesses the radio broadcast, whoever deals with the radio broadcast as of now isn’t accustomed to paying eminences to artists; it will lessen your benefits”, he noticed.

Thus, he noted, “when that becomes possibly the most important factor, it will influence such countless organizations that help performers”.

At this moment, he added, “if the public authority says artists will be paid – despite the fact that that is the proper thing to do – the pocket of the artist will become fatter yet the pocket of the radio and TV stations will be slimmer”.

“Thus, for it to work, for everything to move without a hitch, I feel like it needs to take government’s mediation”, he proposed.

“Whenever this is carried out, the public authority ought to likewise give radio and TV stations tax breaks so performers are getting their cash, makers are getting their cash, radio broadcasts are additionally getting their cash”, he clarified.

“In this way, in case they are taking; suppose GHS10,000 from the kitty of the radio broadcast to pay the artistes, the public authority ought to likewise lessen charges for the radio broadcast by that equivalent sum so everyone will be glad”, he added.

“In any case, it can possibly occur if the public authority mediates”, he pushed.

Likewise, D-Black brought up, “I feel like GHAMRO and COSGA are not working effectively at income assortment, sovereignty payment and articulations”.

“No one has gotten explanations from them previously. That I am aware of. I haven’t. What’s more, I feel like those substances ought to be closed down; another element ought to be acquired to deal with the issues of artists in Ghana”, he proposed.

D-Black outlined that if the sovereignties system is got directly in Ghana, everyone in the music esteem chain will get boosted and turn out to be much more imaginative.

“Eminences are not only for the artiste; it’s for the makers, instrumentalists, musicians, entertainers – it spreads around so everyone gets what they merit so that DJs and makers can even make their own melodies” so that “this DJ has included his beloved three artistes on a tune; he, as a DJ can’t go in front of an audience and play out the tune. Along these lines, in the event that he puts resources into it, how might he get his cash back?” he pondered.

“In any case, assuming he’s getting eminences quarterly, he realizes that ‘I’ll get my check from this sovereignty assortment society’, then, at that point, he can likewise say that he is bringing in cash from the music which he’s making”.

“It occurs in South Africa and Nigeria. You see bounty Nigerian DJs delivering tunes. One of my companions called DJ Neptune has a major tune, he’s bringing in cash off of it; he’s gathering sovereignties. There are DJs in South Africa, the United States – DJ Khalid for example yet it’s nothing in Ghana”.

“There’s such an excess of that needs that to be finished. It needs to begin right from the roots as far as possible up”.

D-BLACK’s latest revelation that he has so far earned GHC 600 from GHAMRO, is similar to that of Stone Bowy who said he earned only GHC 2000 in music f to from GHAMRO.

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Let's replace GHAMRO with new entity backed by govt, I got GHC600 so far- D-Black

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