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Minority kicks against loan agreements 


Minority kicks against loan agreements

Minority in Parliament has kicked against three new loan agreements tabled before the house.

Members of Parliament resumed one-day sitting in the House today after they were recalled by the Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin for an “urgent parliamentary business.”

Some MPs have claimed that the recall is to compel them to give government clearance to go for another loan.

The House went on break on March 31, 2023, after passing three controversial tax bills into law with the Nanton Member of Parliament involved in an accident on his way to Parliament to partake in the vote to approve the bills.

On the night, the MPs also approved two additional Supreme Court Justices who had been vetted by the Appointments Committee earlier in the year.

Minority unhappy with MPs recall from recess
Meanwhile, the Minority in Parliament is unhappy with the recall.

In a tweet, the Minority Leader, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, alleged that the recall is to compel MPs to approve the government’s decision to go on another borrowing spree.

“I have been inundated with calls asking why Parliament has been recalled for urgent business on May 2, 2023. It is difficult to comprehend why the NPP government has the courage to continue borrowing after its reckless borrowing has completely destroyed the Ghanaian economy beyond recognition for generations to come,” he slammed the government in a tweet.

Minority kicks against loan agreements 

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