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‘You’re shifting into arms of Judiciary’- LINSOD tackles GBA, backs Sosu

‘You’re shifting into arms of Judiciary’- LINSOD tackles GBA, backs Sosu



Ladies and Gentlemen,

Lawyers in Search of Democracy (LINSOD) have seen and read a statement issued by the Ghana Bar Association (GBA) purporting to condemn the comments made by Hon. Francis Xavier-Sosu, MP for Madina Constituency and we are at a loss as to what exactly the GBA wants to achieve by its statement.

Indeed, LINSOD has lawyers which form it’s membership core and these practicing lawyers each day have encountered numerous political and “other” decisions emanating from our courts which is a source of concern and should be the concern of the GBA if it is minded to create an environment where lawyers work would thrive daily and continuously.

As an association of Lawyers, it is imperative to note that the foremost duty and responsibility of the GBA is to protect and defend its members and not to own them up against anyone else especially the judiciary.

This is so because the judges of our courts are endowed with enormous powers necessary to control proceedings in court but these powers are to be used judiciously with a discretion which should not be arbitrary.

Put together, our courts are very powerful hence an equal force is necessarily needed in order to, at least, counter the balance to enable lawyers who fight for the cause of the society and it’s members to have the freedom of mind to do so forcefully, zealously and without any fear or favor.

This is where the GBA comes in but unfortunately, over the years, we have witnessed the gradual shift of the GBA into the arms of the judiciary where presently the notion amongst many lawyers is that the GBA is in bed with the judiciary.

The GBA as an Association has basically abandoned it’s duty of protecting the welfare of its members to be indirectly promoting the interest of the judiciary.

This statement we have seen from the GBA, the subject of which is the basis of our response, is a clear example of what the GBA has become today.

The GBA has become an Association which only finds pleasure in attacking its own members against judges whimsically.

We view the statement from the GBA as a political statement with quotes of the law as a camouflage to create the impression it is addressing a legal issue when it is not.

The GBA must desist from issuing political statements in the name of the Ghana Bar Association.

Since when did the GBA become the mouth piece of the Judges, if we may ask?

There was a time when Samuel Okudzeto, Esq who is a former president of the GBA made public statements attacking and basically warning the judge who overturned the decision of the GLC against Hon. Sosu and curiously the GBA was dead silent on his conduct which was totally unprofessional.

It is interesting to note, and strangely enough, the ever prowling eyes of the GBA never seemed to have found that worthy of condemnation.

Is the GBA now an Association that is only interested in selectively attacking its members and to please others?

Is the GBA still an Association for lawyers? Or an Association for some privileged lawyers within certain circles such that if you don’t belong in that circle you are open to be attacked by the GBA whose original duty is to protect and defend its members?

We want to put the GBA on notice that it has over the years, with such unfortunate behavior, lost so much credibility as a professional association in the eyes of the public.

It has so far not shown that it merits the respect it used to be accorded in the past.

We the members of LINSOD would, proudly and on any day, defend the cause of lawyers so lawyers can boldy confront the ills of our society including the ills of the judiciary and the GBA.

If the GBA wants members of our society to see them to be neutral and very professional, they should issue a similar statement regarding Hon. Kenedy Agyapong’s comments on his trial judge no matter how belated it is and assure the nation of its readiness to keenly follow the proceedings to see to its conclusion.

This selective tactics is completely unacceptable and unbecoming of a professional body.

On this note, we want to assure the entire nation that Lawyers in Search of Democracy (LINSOD) has come to assist in promoting our democracy through a fair, neutral, and legal means and when the need arises would be expected to take the necessary steps to address issues that have the tendency to derail the nation from it’s quest to achieve a true democracy.

We thank you all.

James Abiaduka, Esq.
President (Interim)

Theophilus Jojo Dzimega Jr, Esq.
Secretary (Interim)

… Isaac M Larbi Esq
… *IML* 🇬🇭
14/02/2022 @13:55

Source: / LINSOD

Police chaged Xavier-Sosu of obstructing highway, causing damage to public property

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